Yulia Trunova – accordion (Russia)


Head of the orchestra “Colombo”,Head of the Ensemble “Tutti”,Head of the Ensemble “Magic bells”;

Prizewinner of national and international competitions;

The winner of the All-Russian competition “The best teacher of children’s art schools”;

Diploma and the title “Best teacher” of the I International Internet Music Competition “Melos”2014;

Diploma and the title “Best teacher” of the I Madrid International Internet Music Competition 2016.

Teacher of the highest category, Head of the Department of orchestral-folk music school number 5 in Petropavlovsk – Kamchatsky.

 Graduated from the  Far Eastern State Academy of Fine Arts in 2004.

The work experience –  16 years.

 Creator of different music groups, educational works and programs.

She organized the  “Foundation for the Support and Development of music school №5”.

Ms. Trunova  has numerous awards.

Professional achievements:

Diplomants and laureats of the Regional competition “Young talents of Kamchatka”; diplomants  of the international Internet competition “Music competition”, international competitions in Vienna, Prague, Paris;  Diplomants of the Regional Festival -competition “Russia begins to Kamchatka.”