Sirazetdinova Rimma – piano (Ufa, Russia)
Sirazetdinova Rimma:
Sirazetdinova Rimma – piano (Ufa, Russia)
Professor of the Piano Department at the Ufa State Academy of Arts,
Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural History, Honoured Worker of the Science and Education Honored Worker of the Science and Education RANH Ph.D. Doctor of science Prizewinner of International competitions Recipient of the order “PRIMUS INTER PARES – First among equals”, of gold medal “European Quality” and “For innovated work in the field of higher education” , of silver medal “V.I. Vernadsky”, of medals named after John Locke, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi and Konstantin Ushinsky. Sirazetdinova Rimma obtained undergraduate degree and fellowship from the Ufa State Institute of Arts department of Piano. Currently she is Professor of the Piano Department at the Ufa State Academy of Arts. 235 students of her have now graduated and more than 30 of them are prizewinners of International competitions. She holds an academic degree «Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences». She is the author of 26 published scientific and methodical works. Sirazetdinova R.F. took part in the work of 26 scientific-practical conferences in Australia, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Poland, Russia, USA, Czech Republic. She is a prizewinner of various competitions as a performer and a teacher in Spain, Lithuania, Russia, Serbia, USA, Ukraine, France and others. She is the Member of the «Art and Education in the XXI Century» International Association. She organized the International scientific-practical conference «Musical practice in the context of personality’s spiritual development» (Ufa, 2006) and the First City Young flute players’ Competition (Ufa, 2008). She was a Chairman and Jury’s Member of the musical performing and theoretical competitions (Austria, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, France and others).