Sasai Yuko – piano (France)


Professor-accompanist at at the conservatoire “Paul Dukas” and the conservatoire” Jacques Ibert” (Paris)

Born in Osaka in Japan, Yuko Sasai obtained her Diploma at the Kyoto City University of Arts in 2003 and subsequently moved to Paris to study under Theodore Paraskivesco. Winner of the Ervin Nyiregyhazi Award and the Chopin Award in Rome, Yuko Sasai gives concert performances as a soloist and as a chamber musician in Europe and in Japan. She has released a CD “Rhapsodie” with french clarinetist Nicolas Baldeyrou. Yuko Sasai teaches at the Conservatories «Paul Dukas» and «Jacques Ibert» . She also accompanies and serves as interpreter at Pablo Casals International Academy of Prades, for the French Music Academy of Kyoto and for numerous international masterclasses.