Eva Bindere – Violin (Riga, Latvia)


Professor of the string faculty in Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music in Riga;

Guest-leader of Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra Guest-leader of  Suedwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz,

Regular masterclasses in Latvia and abroad ;

Wide concert activity

The violinist Eva Bindere was born in Riga in a well-known family of musicians. She studied in Emils Darzins Special Music College and in Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music with teachers Anete Zvaigzne, Uldis Sprudzs and Andris Baumanis. In 1997 – 1998 she was awarded a scholarship to study with Eduard Schmieder in Dallas. Since year 2000 Eva was a student in Musikakademie der Stadt Basel, Switzerland, where she took part in a chamber music course led by Walter Levin and Hatto Bayerle and was a student of the renowned French violinist Raphael Oleg. She graduated in 2003. Eva has been a member of Latvian Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, in 1997, when Gidon Kremer announced an audition for a chamber orchestra, Eva auditioned and since then was the first violin of Kremerata Baltica for 15 years until year 2012. She has performed with KB almost everywhere in the world, many times as a soloist and a duo partner with Gidon Kremer. The CD "After Mozart" with Eva being a soloist received a Grammy award. Eva has performed as a soloist with virtually all orchestras in Latvia, she records for Latvian Radio on a regular basis and founded a string quartet named "Euphonia" together with her colleagues from KB in 2004 (www.euphoniastringquartet.com ), which is a recipient of the highest award in Latvia in the field of classical music – The Great Music Award (2006). Eva has always had a special love for chamber music, she has had a great opportunity to play together with such artists as violinists Pierre Amoyal, Renaud Capucon, Lukas Hagen, Boris Garlitsky, violists Maxim Rysanov, Antoine Tamestit, Wolfram Christ, Veronika Hagen, Gerard Causse, Vladimir Mendelssohn, cellists Yo Yo Ma, Clemens Hagen, Gautier Capucon, Mario Brunello and Boris Pergamenschikov, pianists Katia Skanavi, Martin Statfeld, Martin Helmchen, Katrine Gislinge, Leif Uve Andsnes and Alexander Melnikov. In 2008 Eva joined a string faculty in Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music in Riga where she was elected as associated professor in 2013. She is giving regular masterclasses in Latvia and abroad as well (Schloss Pommersfelden, Germany, where she belongs to the board of teachers for the third year). Eva has been invited as a guest-leader of Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Roman Kofman personally invited her to lead Kremerata Baltica and Kiev Chamber Orchestra on a project they made together. She has been the leader of similar projects involving KB and other chamber orchestras like Moscow Soloists, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Basler Chamber Orchestra, Camerata Bern, Suedwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz, and is now going to lead Sinfonietta Basel on their Japan tour 2013. Eva is also invited to perform with The Russian Virtuosi of Europe led by the professor of the Royal Academy of London – Yuri Zhislin. In the 2013/2014 season together with cellist Kristinа Blaumane and the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra concertos by Magnus Lindberg, Kurt Weill and Concerto Grosso by Alfred Schnittke.