Dmitry Boyko – balalaika (Samara, Russia)


Prizewinner of international and national competitions,

The soloist of the Samara State Philharmonic,

Professor of Folk Instruments Department of the Samara State Institute of Culture,

Honorary Diploma “Best Teacher” from the «Madrid International Internet Music Competition, 2016”

Graduated from the Ural State Conservatory named after  Mussorgsky Conservatorymade PhD in balalaika class of People’s Artist of Russia, Professor E.G.Blinova.

His concert activities is a synthesis of recitals and ensemble music. He performs in Russia and abroad. Performing style of D.  Boyko is characterized by high sound culture, a variety of colours and intonation palette virtuosity. The wide  repertoire of the musician consists mostly of the works of Russian and foreign classical composers, his own compositions, arrangements of folk tunes, as well as works by contemporary Russian and Samara composers.