(Italiano) Carratoni Luciano – trombone (Roma, Italia)
Carratoni Luciano – trombone (Romу, Italy)
Professor of Conservatory “Santa Cecilia” in Rome,
General Director of the Theater «Cassia» in Rome,
plans and organizes numerous cultural events and festivals in different regions of Italy, engaged in the production and distribution of music and dance performances. A versatile musician and Professor at the Conservatory “Santa Cecilia” in Rome, Luciano Karratoni is constantly active in the field of culture with live performance. In 1980, after graduating from the same Conservatory, where he currently teaches he immediately began a brilliant career that led him to collaborate with leading orchestras such as the Academy of Santa Cecilia, Rome Opera House, RAI Symphony Orchestra and many other groups of Italian classic music and jazz. From 1986 he creates his own music production company and begins to cooperate actively with the media group Mediaset and major filmmakers. Between 1992 and 1998, organizes numerous cultural events and festivals in different regions of Italy. Between 1993 and 2006 has been organizing more than 1500 performances of music and dance, many of which involve companies and artists from around the world. Since 2009 – the general manager of the theater «Cassia» in Rome.