Alexander Vershinin –piano (Moscow, Russia)


Professor of the Moscow Conservatory,

Professor of the Kurashiki Saku University ( Okayama, Japan),

Prize – winner of international competitions,

Wide concert activity.

Graduated and post graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory named after Tchaikovsky (class of prof. S. Slesareva ) Then he was invited to teach at the Moscow Conservatory at the Interfaculty Department of Piano, as well as an assistant of professor Slesarev in the Department of Special piano. In 2006 Vershinin became a Professor of the Moscow Conservatory . As a teacher of the Conservatory , Alexander Vershinin regularly gives master classes in various cities of Russia and abroad , and also focuses on performing activities , giving concerts worldwide. Often performs with orchestras ; works a lot with the cellist Denis Shapovalov . Their duet was appreciated very much by Mstislav Rostropovich . There are a large number of “live” records of the duet on Russian radio, «Radio France», «NY Public Radio», on French TV channels «Mezzo» and «Cenqueime» and Japanese TV channel NHK. Musicians performed at international festivals in Montpellier, Guebwiller , Reims in France, Kitakyushu in Japan , Germany, USA , as well as at the prestigious festival MIDEM in Cannes (France). Vershinin performed with such musicians as Nicholas Sachenko , Count Murzha Xenia Akeynikova Julia Krasko , Aleksandr Trostyansky Hayk Kazazyan Mikhail Bereznitsky Elena Revich and others. His repertoire includes different styles of music , from classical works to jazz arrangements and improvisation and includes works by Scarlatti, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin , Liszt , Schumann , Ravel, Debussy , Rachmaninoff . A special place in the repertoire of Vershinin gets Scriabin : the pianist plays almost all works of the late period of the composer – the last five sonatas and piano part symphonic poem “Prometheus”. Since 2001 Vershinin is a member of the International Musical Society named after Scriabin . Since 2009, Vershinin is a professor at the Saku Kurashiki University ( Okayama, Japan).