
Natalia Letiuk – organo, pianoforte (Mosca, Russia)

    Professore di organo presso la Scuola di musica “Gioia”, Mosca,  Organista della Fondazione De Boni Arte e nel Duomo Cattolico di Mosca,     Diploma di Onore e il titolo « Migliore Insegnante» del III Rome International Music Competition, 2016; IV Rome International Music Competition,…

20 giu 2017 Posted by Irina in no comments

Svetlana Zakharova – piano (Kharkov, Ukraine)

    Professor of Kharkov National University of Arts,  Head of Piano Department of Kharkov Special Secondary Music Boarding School,     Лауреат Всесоюзного и Международного конкурсов     Honorable Diploma and title of the “Best teaher” of the II Madrid International Music Competition, 2017.

04 mag 2017 Posted by Irina in no comments

Anna Kislitsyna – piano (USA)

    Two PhD in piano performance;     Prizewinner of different International Music Competitions;     Wide concert and teacher’s activity ;     Honorable Diploma and the title “Best teacher” of the Geneva International Internet Music Competition 2016.

02 feb 2017 Posted by Irina in no comments

Mira Marchenko – piano (Russia)

    Head of the Special Piano Department of the Central Music School at Moscow State Conservatory;     Prizewinner of International and national music Competition;     Wide concert and teaching activity;     Jury member of different music competition;     Honorable diplomas from different institutes;     Honorable…

30 gen 2017 Posted by Irina in no comments

Yulia Trunova – fisarmonica (Russia)

Head of the orchestra "Colombo",Head of the Ensemble "Tutti",Head of the Ensemble "Magic bells"; Prizewinner of national and international competitions; The winner of the All-Russian competition "The best teacher of children's art schools"; Diploma and the title “Best teacher” of the I International Internet Music…

26 dic 2016 Posted by Irina in no comments